She's such a beautiful little baby. 1/3 of a year down, and we love her oh-so much! Here's a little peek at what Lydia's like at this age:
- She really enjoys bouncing. I'll hold her with one hand under her bum and my other arm wrapped across her chest, and she'll just kick and kick, and bounce and bounce. Also bouncy if I put her on my knee.
- She can roll from back to tummy! Something clicked in her head yesterday morning, and ever since then she rolls over anytime I put her down on the ground.
- The downside about this development is that now she rolls over in bed, and gets mad about not being able to roll back over again...
- Fingers are tasty. Very tasty.
- She accepts a pacifier! The one and only of my 4 children to use one!
- She has the cutest little belly laugh.
- I've seen some intentional attempts at reaching out to grab something, although it takes a lot of focus and effort right now. She'll be grabbing things like a pro in no time!
- She has come to accept her car seat, at last!
- I think she might end up with hazel eyes like Autumn. Nicole's and Austin's were noticeably blue by this age. Time will tell!
- We're on the brink of officially being done with nursing. It's been downhill over the past month for a variety of reasons, and my supply is pretty much gone. I think I will pump one last time tonight and then nurse her one last time tomorrow night before she goes to bed... and that will be it. It hurts my heart that I can't go a full year with her like I did with Nicole and Austin (and 3/4ths of a year with Autumn).
- She still loves chilling in the Solly Wrap, thank goodness.
- When it's nap time I get her into her sleep sack, make the room dark, turn the white noise on, and then I sit in the rocking chair, pop her pacifier in, cradle her in my left arm, and take her little left hand with my right hand. She wraps her hand around my thumb as I wrap my hand around hers, and she gets drowsy almost immediately. She HAS to hold my thumb. It's part of the process.
- She's on a solid 3-nap-per-day schedule, with a 7:00-ish bedtime (give or take, depending on when she wakes up from nap #3). Wakes up twice per night to eat.
- She had a cold last week, poor baby. Such a stuffy nose. Lots of snot-suckage happened, which she was not a fan of.
- Can sit for short times in the Bumbo, and actually enjoys chilling in the baby swing now. It took a while to get to this point where she'll consistently sit in it for 10-15 minutes before getting grouchy!
- Reeeeeally doesn't like being in a messy diaper. I don't blame her.
- She makes a BIG stink if Doug tries to put her down for a nap. Bedtime isn't so bad, but nap time? Yikes. Maybe it's the whole hand-holding-my-thumb habit (which she doesn't need to do at bedtime, because the bedtime routine is different).

We LOVE our sweet baby Lyddies! (Yes, one of her nicknames is Lyddies. Not sure of the best way to spell it, because it's just a nickname and not going on any papers...)
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