Oh, what a character this one is. Her personality is emerging more and more as the weeks pass by, and I'm once again reminded why this final quarter of a baby's first year of life is generally my favorite.
Lydia at 10 months:
- Crawls on hands and knees, but also still army-crawls quite a bit
- Figured out how to climb up the stairs, and that's all she wants to do half of the time now
- Has finally become far less picky with food. Loves refried beans, avocado, hummus, fruits, purees of all types, bread, ritz crackers, pizza, cold peas, yogurt, cheerios... most foods I give her, honestly.
- Still a big-time mama's girl. Exhausting, but cute. Someday Doug will be able to put her to bed without her screaming. Someday.
- Something clicked in the past week, and now she'll sit and fully pay attention to books. She loves opening the flaps on lift-the-flap books, turning pages, and pointing at things on the pages.
- Gives me slobbery, open-mouth kisses
- Night weaned. No more nighttime meals. Huzzah.
- She slept completely through the night with no wakeups for several nights in a row last week, but usually she still wakes up once or twice wanting to be snuggled. (The nights when she sleeps through the night, she wakes up SO happy in the morning because she's well-rested. Usually, the first thing I hear from her in the mornings is crying because she stayed awake too much during the night wanting to snuggle.)
- Has completely given up pacifiers of her own accord
- My only child who hasn't had some kind of finger-sucking habit
- Her brother can make her belly-laugh pretty hard, and she enjoys (gently) rough-housing with him
- Peek-a-boo is a great laugh-inducer, of course
- Gets so mad when I take her into her room for naptime, but calms down within 20-30 seconds once we sit in the rocking chair. After one or two short songs, she's calm and drowsy enough that I can just stick her in the crib. Two naps a day still. It should stay that way until mid-late summer, I think.
- 8 teeth, baby!
- Pulls herself up to a standing position on some furniture items, but hasn't figured out how to lower back down again yet
- Sometimes takes steps if I'm holding both of her hands, but she's not really interested in trying to walk yet. She's not cruising yet either.
- Makes a little "ya" sound when we ask her questions or hand her things that she wants
- I'm not sure of her exact weight right now, but she had already hit 20 lbs about a month ago. So heavy.
- Every now and then she'll "bunt" her forehead gently against my chin or mouth and just stay there while I give her forehead tons of kisses.
- Entirely resigned to the fact that many hours of her life each week are spent in the car
- Loves swinging
- If I sit or lie down on the floor, she makes a beeline for me and uses me as a jungle gym for a while. I can just lie on the floor and let her crawl over my back again and again as I read or put my head down, etc
- Doesn't sit still/calmly very often. Church is becoming a bit of a nightmare because she wants to crawl around, and she's loud about it. The time of her morning nap is also right in the middle of church, so by that point she starts getting even more restless and grouchy because that is how she acts when she's tired. She refuses to take a nap at church anymore, and sometimes won't even fall asleep for one when we get home, so she ends up with only one nap for the day and then wakes up all night because she's overtired. It's even worse if we have some kind of evening engagement where we can't get her to bed on time. I'm not a fan of Sundays at this point in her life. Just a few more months until she drops down to one midday nap!
When all is said and done, I love her so much. Mama-only preference, night wakings, and all. Only two months left until her birthday, how crazy!!!

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