One month left. One month, and then my little caboose will be a whole year old. It feels like I'm reaching the end of an 8-year marathon that started when I was pregnant for the first time! Because man, that first year of life is such a whirlwind, and I've done it 4 times over now!
Our little Lydia Rose is absolutely blossoming. That personality takes strides daily.
Lydia at 11 months:
- Can shimmy her way up to a standing position using flat surfaces, but hasn't started cruising yet (edit: she started cruising the very next day. Haha!)
- Is willing to take steps if I'm holding onto both of her hands
- Attempts to stand without holding onto anything, although she only balances for half a second before flopping down on her bum
- Really hates having to settle down for naptime (there's so much to see and do!)
- Enjoys using the piano bench to stand up so she can reach the keys and "play" them
- Has developed a strange love/hate relationship with baths
- Wants to play with what her siblings play with
- Loves to rip paper apart (watch out, books!)
- Not a fan of cuddling. I'm really hoping that changes as she becomes more mobile and no longer feels the intense urge to "practice" her mobility skills.
- Sleeps in one of two positions: on her tummy with her bum in the air, or on her back with her hands behind her head.
- Has (fortunately) adjusted well to the constant change in formula brand that I give her. Thanks to the current shortage, I just buy what I can find.
- Has the fluffiest baby hair
- Really likes frozen peas (as do the rest of my kids)
- Says "Yes" all the time, and it's extremely cute
- Loves to wave
- Smiles at everyone
- Gets knocked over, blocked, rough-housed, tripped on (etc) by her big brother DAILY, but she still LOVES to follow him around and interact with him despite all that
- Crawls exclusively on her hands and knees now, and is getting very fast
- Climbs right into the middle of piles of clean laundry that I've sorted and tosses the clothes everywhere
- I'm still her favorite jungle gym. If I lie on the ground, she's guaranteed to crawl over me.
- Likes clicking her tongue, playing peek-a-boo, and being tickled
- Loud and saucy, with hazel eyes and the cutest crooked-toothed cheeser
- Still a huge mama's girl and sobs if anyone other than me attempts to put her to bed
- I call her "Princess" a lot (oh boy), but also Baby Cakes, Chonky, Cutie Patootie, and Baby Sis. (And Lyddies, as always)
Between her obsessions with sweets and paper-ripping, I am confident that she'll thoroughly enjoy her birthday next month. Ripping open presents and devouring as much of her smash cake as she wants??!?! She's going to be in heaven. Love you, Princess.

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