Our little caboose has finished her first year of life. Just like that. By the time she woke up this morning she was already officially a year old. She was oblivious to the fact that it's her birthday, of course, but her siblings were all very excited on her behalf. It was enjoyable to watch her demolish her smash cake this evening. She also stuffed herself at dinnertime because I served a favorite meal of hers: spaghetti, complete with meatballs, garlic bread, green beans, and cantaloupe. She went to bed with a very full tummy.
What a year it has been. It's been hard, honestly, but we love her SO. MUCH.

Lydia at 12 months:
- So close to walking. So very close. She can cruise along furniture while only holding on with one hand, walks when we hold her hands, and can even get into a standing position from the floor, if only very briefly.
- Takes two naps half the days, only one nap the other half
- Finally (finally!) sleeps through the night. When I say that, I mean she doesn't wake up at all or need me to go in and hold her. Her average bedtime is 7pm and average waketime is 7am.
- Eats a banana a day and loves all forms of pasta and breads. She also loves frozen peas. And treats.
- Since her highchair is by the kitchen window, she's always grabbing at the curtains with her messy hands. My poor white curtains...
- All bathroom doors have to be kept shut now because she enjoys unrolling the toilet paper
- Not big on being read to (there are only 2-3 books she'll sit for) BUT she really likes flipping through the pages of any book she can get her hands on herself
- Her dearest ambition is to get her hands on the Nintendo Switch, or one of our phones
- 8 teeth
- Recently discovered how fun it is to chase her siblings around furniture
- Too smart and observant for her own good. Has already figured out how to open various cupboards and drawers, even some that have some child-proofing measures on them.
- Can now slide her way downstairs feet-first on her tummy (although she needs help turning around and getting started)
- Still absolutely refuses to let anyone but me put her down for naps/bed (even Doug)
- Has imprinted on a blanket and snuggles with it in her crib. (Come to think of it, maybe that's why she finally sleeps through the night... she has a snuggle buddy!) It's white with pink/yellow/orange whole citrus fruits on it.
- Enjoys swinging at the park
- Won't leave bows on her head unless I distract her... but she always remembers in the end and rips it off
- Learned how to shake her head
And now, as per tradition, here are pictures of Lydia from birth until now!

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