Look at this handsome little kindergartner! What a kid. My favorite son, you know. And every time I tell him he's my favorite son he responds, "But I'm your only son..." and I respond, "Yep." He was sick yesterday on his birthday, which was a big bummer. (I was sick too, hence publishing this post a day late...) Fortunately, he was able to enjoy some birthday festivities on Saturday. Doug and I took Austin and Nicole to Austin's outing of choice: Getting all-access wristbands at Provo Beach Resort. Lots of laser tag, croquet golf, bowling, playing on the indoor playground, carousel rides, and arcade games. Nicole was even brave enough to do the high ropes course with me, but Doug had to get back off with Austin because Austin was a little too nervous to try crossing any of the planks or ropes.
Let's talk about the birthday boy, shall we?
Austin at 6 years:
- LOVES his baby sister and has dedicated many hours to tumbling around with her, chasing her, and letting her push him around. (Lydia now thinks that walking up to another toddler and steadily pushing them backwards while giggling is the proper way to introduce herself and play.)
- Currently has a paper airplane obsession. I can't keep track of the sheer number of papers he has folded up and flown across our house.
- Still loves Legos
- Enjoys racing his older sister on Mario Kart 8 and creating things in Minecraft
- I read the first Harry Potter book to him earlier this year and he really enjoyed it. He's thrilled to be Harry Potter for Halloween this year.
- This past year has brought a lot of big emotions and transitions for this kid, so he finds himself getting frustrated or upset more easily than in years past. He juts out his lower lip when he's in one of these moods, and I know the emotion is very real and big to him... but I have to admit, the lower lip is funny!
- Energy level = through the roof at times
- His biggest concern when he started kindergarten was making friends. Now he tells me every couple of days about a new friend he has made. He wants to be friends with everyone.
- His belly laugh is still extremely contagious
- Really wants us to get a cat. I know, buddy. I know. Litter box logistics are still the main issue here.
- Has amazing spatial awareness and has the early makings of an engineer. Numbers make sense to him. He already does math in his head.
- He's eager to start learning to play the piano like his big sister, so I suppose that's how we'll be spending some of our time during the cold winter months
- Can't smile "normal" for a picture if his life depended on it! He either squeezes his eyes closed and flashes a big cheeser, or he squints his eyes and does a thin-lipped, toothy grimace. I only got some "normal-looking" smiles for the pictures in this post by getting him to talk about something he likes.
- His birthday dinner of choice is chicken taquitos
- STILL has a banana almost every single day
- Has the makings of a rollercoaster junkie, much to my delight
- Soccer is his sport of choice, although he really enjoys t-ball and his acrobatics class (like tumbling, but more dance-oriented)
- Did karate for most of the past year of his life, but stopped over the summer
- Learned to ride a bike this summer
We love this kid! Happy birthday, Austin!

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