This cutie patootie is a full-blown toddler now! She keeps me on my toes and keeps all of us chuckling. She has changed a lot in the past half a year.
Lydia at 18 months:
- Thanks to the Christmas season, one of her favorite words lately has been "tree"
- She also loves to say "HI!" and has a slew of other words and sounds that she says, even though I'm the only one who can understand some of them (for example, pointing at the pantry and saying "Pea!" is her way of asking for a spoonful of peanut butter).
- Babbles all day long
- "Sings" to herself and it's SO cute
- Loves baths
- LOVES books and I spend a respectable chunk of time reading to her each day
- Among her top favorite books are Where Are You, Little Fox; Cookie's Week; Brown Bear Brown Bear; and a small selection books from the Highlights Hello Library series. She also steals the books her siblings bring home from the library.
- Wants to do everything her siblings do
- Shortly after her first birthday she started saying "shoo" and "shoom" a lot, so "Shoom" ended up becoming one of my nicknames for her. She still says "shoom" occasionally.
- She will RUN for her shoes if she gets even the slightest inkling that I'm going outside or out to the car
- However, she will not leave her shoes or socks on in the car
- Too clever and observant for her own good
- Wonderful sleeper!
- Gives the best hugs
- Has a love/hate relationship with bananas. Some days she loves them... and other days she takes two bites and then chucks the rest on the floor.
- I screech her name a lot because she gets into literally EVERYTHING, and it got to the point where she started screeching her own name when she's excited (it's quite hilarious)
- Loves cereal, mandarin oranges, crackers, yogurt, homemade Chex mix, and veggie straws. And all desserts.
- Enjoys grabbing my face and trying to plant her wide-open mouth right on mine
- Won't leave the Christmas ornaments alone
- Waves by opening and closing her hand or bending her whole hand up and down at the wrist
- Gets into cereal all day long
- My little shadow... and I rarely get much done when she's awake because she's always right there to thwart my attempts or complain because I'm not holding her or reading to her
- She can whistle! She just figured it out yesterday. She can only do one "note" right now and it's very quiet, but it's still extremely cute.
She hilarious and sweet and very crazy and a handful and we love her SOOOO MUCH! Happy half birthday Lydi baby!

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