This morning, I attempted to sing the "Happy Birthday" song to Autumn, and she got mad at me. Not the best start to a birthday, but once we got some breakfast in her she was much happier. She's not very keen on getting older because she WANTS to be "babied" (probably because she has a little sister who is "babied" constantly) but even Autumn gets excited about some of the perks of getting older (such as getting two gummy vitamins in the morning instead of just one).
Autumn at 4 years old:
- Loves any and all dairy products--especially milk--even though they don't completely agree with her digestive system
- Will easily spend large chunks of time per day looking at books/"reading"/having me or Doug read books to her
- Enjoys listening to Disney movie soundtracks
- Has her own "playlist" on YouTube that has the most random assortment of songs and artists on it such as Sara Bareilles, Justin Bieber, Fergie, and Owl City
- Regularly sneaks down to her big sister's room to "borrow" her books, Polly Pockets, and art supplies
- Current top tv show of choice is Pinkalicious on PBS Kids
- Is starting to play well with her baby sister, and it's so fun to see them close themselves away in Autumn's bedroom and giggle in there together for a while
- Sugar addict
- Regularly sneaks onto the kitchen counter to swipe a cookie, or a sibling's toy that I put out of reach, or to take a sip out of my Swig cup
- Not very ticklish, but has a cute laugh when you can get her going
- Was very brave this past year and got comfortable with being in pools
- Enjoys easy hikes
- When the weather is not freezing (like it is right now!) she loves to ride around on a 3-wheel scooter
- Had a hard time adjusting to Primary at church for the first couple weeks (so hard to leave nursery, where she's been for 2 1/2 years and there's snacks and toys and baby sister to play with) but she's warming up to it now
- Scared of elevators for a while, but now is just mildly nervous in them
- Likes the idea of dogs, but gets nervous around dogs
- Monkey see, monkey do. If her siblings are into it, then so is she.
- Already talks about being excited for kindergarten and going to the same school as her siblings. Excuse me, miss, but you still have a year and a half before you head off to kindergarten!
- Dresses up in costumes a lot these days (princess dresses, old dance concert costumes, etc)
- Has the cutest little voice where her "l" sound comes out as a "w" sound (so "Lydia" becomes "Widia")
- Probably plays with Austin the most at this point in her life
- My first child to need a nightlight in her room (much to Austin's dismay, since they share a room currently. Yep, he prefers a very dark room.)
- I have to be careful to remove all books from her room at bedtime because she will take her blanket and pillow and lie down by the nightlight with her books and fall asleep reading. Cute, but then she's grouchy the next day.
- If she steals something she shouldn't have (treats, siblings' toys, ChapStick, etc.), she hides it in a corner of her closet. It's the one of the first places I look if something is missing, and I suspect Autumn might have taken it!
- Quiet yet goofy at preschool, and kind to her classmates

Love you lots, Tum Tum. We love watching you learn and grow!
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