I figured that since the 2023 concert is happening in just over ONE MONTH, it was high time to finally get some pictures from the 2022 concert posted. Ooops. Pictures and blog posts have obviously been very low on my priorities list. But I've added pictures to the past few posts, so be sure to look back at those if you've been waiting to see them!
The 2022 concert was exciting because we had TWO little girlies involved with it! They both had fun, and the week leading up to the concert was crazy between the pictures and dress rehearsals (and Austin's t-ball games and other events/errands we had).

Nicole had three routines for the 2022 concert: one for her acrobatics class ("business people" costume), and then one ballet number and one tap number ("mazurka doll" costume). This was her last year doing tap, actually, which she is a little sad about, but our studio doesn't teach tap past this level. She turned up the sass to a full level 10 for her acro and jazz numbers. Quite the performer, ya know.

Meanwhile, Autumn and her two classmates were the envy of all the little girls because they had unicorn costumes. Autumn did so well on her dances and didn't have any stage fright! However, she was not expecting the traditional, loud "cast scream" that all the dancers do after the bows when the curtains close, and she was NOT a fan of that group scream. She refused to go out for the bows for her second performance because she didn't want to hear everyone scream again! Poor Tum Tum.

Our little dancers. Austin will join them this year because he's taking an acrobatics class at the studio, and Lydia will probably join them in the 2024 concert! THAT will be crazy. It already took me well over an hour to do hair and makeup for both of these girlies, and I had to do their hair 4 different times (5 for Nicole)! At least Austin won't need hair or makeup. Praise be to short-haired boys.
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