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Sunday, March 10, 2013

For the Weekend

I love it when I come out of the Provo temple and see a sight like this.
There's nothing like a glistening water fountain with a mountain sunset in the background.

This valley can be so beautiful, and it makes me excited to think about spring. I have never been in Utah during the month of May (I'm usually home in California during that month) and so this will be my very first time seeing Provo during May. The hubs tells me that it's a pretty great month - the weather isn't too hot yet, and the world still feels like spring. Sounds like my kind of weather.

In other news, I competed in DanceSport this weekend. My partner and I got all the way to quarterfinals for our Standard Ballroom competition, which is really saying something because my partner has never done ballroom before in his life until this semester. He's off to a fairly good start, if I do say so myself. It's my fourth time competing in DanceSport, and it doesn't get old.

The best part about DanceSport? Getting to wear long, flowing skirts, putting on bright red lipstick, and then taking camera-phone pictures in the mirror of a locker room. Yep. That's how I roll.

It's too bad that they don't let the non-pro college competitors wear glittery costumes... I could have some fun with those. Anything with rhinestones = perfect for ballroom dancing.

The only downside to DanceSport is that I lose sleep and all the practicing wears me out. Fingers crossed that I get more sleep this week than last week!

On another note... I made a cake for my hubby's birthday this weekend. There is only a little bit of it left, along with some mint ice cream in the freezer, and they are both calling to me. I don't think I can resist much longer. I mean... it's chocolate cake. Chocolate!

Enough said.

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  1. Congrats on getting to quarter finals. :-)

  2. Here from the Thursday Thumping Hop and I'm enjoying your mention of dancing- especially Ballroom dancing. Also enjoying the mentioning of chocolate. Two things I can read about-always. ; ) I hope you join me in my daily dance. BB2U

  3. wow, that sunset! and you're a ballroom dancer? how cool! found you at thumping thursdays- new follower!
