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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Impromptu Singing

Once upon a time (last school year), I was really involved with acappella singing.
I went to rehearsal for the BYU Acappella Club Choir every single week.
I was a co-founder for a new acappella group called Asymmetric,
which has now grown into a thriving, successful group
and I wish I still had the time to be a part of it.
I have an obsession with acappella music.
Especially when it's done right.

Tonight was the BYU Acappella Jam.
The Club Choir - Audacity - was in need of more female voices.
I just happened to be there
(the Hubs is in an acappella group as well, so I was supporting him)
And so I volunteered to sing with them.

Very last minute.
And I loved doing it.
It has definitely been far too long.
I really miss singing in something other than church choir.

The night ended perfectly with waffles smothered in Nutella and ice cream.
Plus an episode of Doctor Who.
Yes, I'm a bit of a nerd.
Get over it!

OH... and this girl had a bridal shower last weekend.
Did I not mention that?

In less that a month, she'll be a Mrs.
Yet so awesome! I love it when people get married!

Love ya, Emilee!

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  1. Ooh, didn't you love Doctor Who? I always forget how much fun it is to get a new companion.

    1. Yep! New companions always throw a bit of fresh air into the show :)
