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Monday, October 26, 2015

Life Lately // During My Favorite Month

Oh yeah, I have a blog! Ha. What can I say, I've been savoring October. Fall has been my happy time for as long as I can remember. (This is where I turn hipster and say, "I liked autumn before it was cool." But it's true, really.)

Let's catch up on what I've been up to recently:

To start with, I took facebook and instagram off my phone a few days ago. No regrets.

I got to experiment very, very briefly with a telephoto lens for the camera (these pictures on the grass are the result) and I'm so eager to add another lens to my collection. I love being able to use an aperture setting lower than f/5! Maybe for Christmas...? ;)

I finally branched out and tried a couple classes at the Rec. Center other than Zumba. The result? I have fallen in love with Barre. I love it so much.

I have made several batches of my very favorite pumpkin cookies, of course! I also made homemade pumpkin ice cream and it was SO rich. Next time I'm using half-and-half instead of heavy cream.

October meant another round of General Conference (for my non-Mormon friends, it's like TedxTalks on spiritual steroids) and there were so many messages that touched me. Prayers and questions answered, left and right. It was wonderful.

Recently, my grandparents were in town; we had lunch with them and my cousin at a picturesque park under a canopy of golden leaves, and it was the most perfect day for a picnic.

My fall candle collection has doubled. The result = my apartment smells magical.

I feel absolutely giddy when I go on walks in the evening with Nicole and there's a chill in the air. Nicole loves it too, she's all smiles and laughter during our walks. I love seeing her so excited about the world around her. A quick, blurry shot from Instagram:

I made yet another appearance as an extra in a recent episode of Studio C. You can see the back of me during the whole first part of this sketch, and even catch a glimpse of my face as I exit ;) We were all very worried that Mallory was going to squish the snake too much and it would end up strangling Matt out of self-defense. Fortunately, it was a rather patient and docile snake.

These huge bears have taken over Costco, and we finally got a picture of Nicole next to one. They make her look so tiny (which is great because recently I've been thinking that she's getting too big! She's still my baby, why is she so big!)

I've become addicted to LuLaRoe clothing, and it's so wonderful... and so awful at the same time. Wonderful for my wardrobe, awful for my wallet.

I've decided I need to make caramelized onions more often because we loaded a bunch on top of some apple butter pork chops the other day and oooooooh boy was it yummy. Nicole likes them too. Heck, what am I saying, of course she liked them... she will eat onion raw, after all.

Finally, don't get me started on the weather! It's finally chilly! No more 80 degree afternoons! And rain! I get to make hot chocolate and wear fall clothes and... and... and... YAY! Happy, happy fall! And Happy Halloween this weekend!


  1. We got one of those big Costco bears when Rhys was about 3 months old...He absolutely LOVES it and loves to cuddle with it. It's one of his best friends.

    1. Cute! I can see why he loves it, I would've been obsessed with having a bear this huge to cuddle and climb on as a kid! Hmmm. Now I kind of want to get one for Nicole. It's just so big, I don't know where we'd put it in our little apartment!
