At last, we have a "sitter" on our hands! She's not the biggest fan of sitting yet, but she can last over a minute without toppling when she wants to. It was fun to see Nicole and Austin get SO excited when she started sitting on her own.
More 7-month updates:
- She is starting to use her arms to rotate herself on the ground! So she'll probably start crawling earlier than Austin did, but later than Nicole did. I'm surprised... with how tiny she is, I thought she would be the earliest to crawl out of the three! Less body mass to lug around, ya know.
- Munching on her toes is one of her favorite pastimes.
- Munching on her toes is one of her favorite pastimes.
- Still my skinny mini, barely breaking 14 pounds. Tiny girl!!!
- She has a very meek and sweet personality.
- She's a rolly polly! She loves to flip around from back to tummy, and back again.
- There is a perpetual red patch on her left cheek from where her index finger rests when she sucks her middle/ring/pinky fingers. Still going VERY strong on finger sucking.
- There is a perpetual red patch on her left cheek from where her index finger rests when she sucks her middle/ring/pinky fingers. Still going VERY strong on finger sucking.
- She LOVES to watch her siblings be silly for her, and rewards them with plenty of smiles, coos, and waving her arms and legs around in excitement. Occasional shrieks, too, but being loud isn't her style.
- She hates baths. Hates them. Likewise, she doesn't like to be in pools. She is fine showering with me, though, so that's usually how she gets bathed.
- Her bottom front teeth have cut. I think she cut her first tooth about a week before Austin cut his (although he cut 3 in a week, and had 8 by the time he turned 1. Crazy kid!). Nicole was still a gummy girl at this age. So fun seeing the differences between each kid. Anyway, you can see the teeth in the picture below! (One is further along than the other.)

- She frequently moves her jaw around to rub her freshly-cut teeth along her tongue and upper gums. I'm sure it's a strange sensation to have something there, when there used to be nothing!
- She loves to feed herself. I'm trying to use up some baby food, so I load the baby food on a spoon, and then she swipes the spoon right out of my hand so she can shove it in her mouth. She is REALLY into it. She's also really into strawberries, and bread with pesto on it. And any food she can get her mitts on, really. We have yet to find a food she dislikes, and she'll even take a lemon without a single sour face!
- She has gotten SO fast and proficient at grabbing things! Blink, and she's snatched something from you! Her favorite targets are my water bottle and the TV remote.
- When it's nap/bed time, she prefers to be held in a cradle position rather than snuggling upright against my chest. If I time her naps just right, she's out like a light in about 30 seconds of me sitting in the rocking chair and cradling her.
- She prefers being carried around and held, although she'll play on the floor for a while if I put a good toy in front of her. It has to be a good one, though.
- She already likes to yank the bows and headbands off her head and chew them. Dangit.
- I'm no longer certain about her eye color. I thought that they were blue, but now they seem more grey... maybe they'll end up being hazel, like Doug's!
- I'm no longer certain about her eye color. I thought that they were blue, but now they seem more grey... maybe they'll end up being hazel, like Doug's!

She's absolutely perfect, and we're all obsessed. Love you, Tummers!
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