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Monday, May 13, 2013

Baby Dutch Babies

Behold... the result of my latest mini kitchen experiment.

The "full-sized" version of these bites are known by many names: puffed pancakes, dutch babies, dutch oven pancakes, German pancakes... the list goes on. I grew up calling them German pancakes, but I've really grown to like the sound of "Dutch Babies".

So, I suppose that you could call these Baby Dutch Babies. They're teeny-tiny! And they still taste pretty similar to their full-sized counterparts.

I saw the recipe in a book and thought it would make a fun Monday evening project. They were very fast to make, although I did panic a little bit when I was only able to fill up 12 muffin tins instead of 24. I suppose my mini-muffin tin is not the smallest you can get. This recipe calls for tiny muffin tins, folks. That way, these Baby Dutch Babies will literally be bite-sized. Mine are twice as big as they should be (apparantly) but they still taste pretty good.

Note to self: I need to get a powdered sugar shaker. It will make life easier, food prettier, and my kitchen less messy.

For those of you who are curious and want to try this recipe yourselves, here ya go!

Baby Dutch Babies (Makes either 12 or 24, depending on the size of the mini-muffin tin you use)

1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup milk
2 large eggs
1/8 tsp salt

Place your muffin tin in the oven and preheat to 400 degrees. While the oven is heating, mix the four ingredients in a blender until smooth. When the oven is done heating, take the muffin tin out (careful, it's hot!) and quickly spray it with cooking spray. Fill the tins 3/4 full with batter and then stick it in the oven for 10-12 minutes or until the baby dutch babies look puffy and slightly golden.

Melt 2 tbsp butter, and when you take the bites out of the pan, drizzle the butter over them. Then you can either dip the baby dutch babies in syrup or do what I did: take some strawberries (5-6, frozen or fresh) and blend them up. Pour them over the dutch babies and sprinkle some powdered sugar. I think these also taste good with yogurt, and I daresay that Nutella would taste pretty awesome on them as well. Dang it, I should have tried that... I have a big, fat container of Nutella sitting in my cupboard...



  1. Those look good! I've never heard of them, but I will have to try making them sometime :)
    She Turned Her Dreams Into Plans

  2. I just bought a mini muffin tin :) This will be my first recipe!
