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Friday, July 12, 2013

Oh, those rainy summer days

Summer is a time of sunshine, nearly unbearable heat, swimming, blue skies, and ice cream. Well, it's sunny right now, but I woke up this morning and had to wear these to campus.

Provo can have the most bipolar weather. For the past week, we've had on-and-off thunderstorms and surprise rain showers.

And I love it. Absolutely love it.

Plus... this campus looks so lovely with the grey skies, ultra-green trees, and that earthy rain smell.

I love this place.
Need some help surviving summer rainstorms? One of my favorite Utah bloggers can give you some tips :)


  1. I love thunderstorms too! Especially with rain in the summer :)

  2. Hi Ashley! Stopping by from the 'I Love My Post' blog hop :)
    I absolutely ♥ thunderstorms too!

  3. The campus does look very pretty. :) I'm visiting today from Friday Chaos.
