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Thursday, July 11, 2013

The BEST no-bake cookie recipe there is!

I am a huge fan of chocolate/peanut butter combos, as I said when I shared this recipe last September.

This being said, I am a sucker for a good no-bake cookie. There are plenty of no-bake cookies recipes out there, each a little different from the next, but I would like to claim that I have pinpointed the best no-bake cookie recipe of them all! I tell no lies! These things are amazing!

Don't mind me playing with photo filters in these pictures :) It's something I'm trying out.

no-bake cookies
no-bake cookies
no-bake cookies
no-bake cookies

I made two batches because I promised my cast members that I would bring them a treat on the day of our first run-through, and they were gone in a heart-beat. I've eaten tons of them already.

You guys... I don't call them the best dang cookies for nothing!

For those of you who don't believe me, go try them for yourselves.

The BEST No-Bake Cookies

5 tablespoons cocoa
1 stick margarine
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
3/4 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups oatmeal

Mix the cocoa, margarine, sugar, and milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil, making sure that you stir it constantly. Let it boil for 2 minutes (or 1 1/2 minutes if you have a pot that retains a lot of heat because the mixture will keep bubbling after you take it off the stove... you might have to experiment), still stirring constantly. Add peanut butter and vanilla. Mix well. Add oatmeal. Drop spoonfuls on cookie sheet. Let cool (I put mine in the refrigerator).

Short, sweet, and simple. Just make sure you boil it for the right amount of time or else the cookies will be too sticky (not enough boiling) or too dry (too much boiling).

I promise, you'll enjoy them!


  1. oh this is so easy yet delicious...I am in love with this type of recipes...
    Found this post via Friday Chaos...

  2. I love no bake cookies. They are so good.

  3. That looks absolutely delicious! I'm a huge chocolate fan and would love to save some energy by not using an oven. Great recipe and thanks for sharing :)


  4. Hello Ashley! I came across your link on the "Blog Strut Peacock Style" Hop. I'm following you via Bloglovin". Please follow me back. Have a great night.

    All the best,


  5. Loving a no-bake cookie recipe in the summer!

    Visiting today from the Peacock Strut hop.

  6. New follower via the bloghop :) These are my favorite cookies of all time!

  7. Hey Ashley, I'm a new follower from the FF blog hop. WOW, fool-proof no bake cookies! Yay, thanks for the recipe!

    I'd love it if you can follow me back :)


  8. Found you via The Chirping Moms link party. These look yummy! Have you ever tried them with butter instead of margarine? I may have to try it and see how they turn out...

  9. Saw this on a link party - I LOVE these cookies. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. Love this, great pics too. Thanks for sharing at Marvelous Mondays

  11. these look delicious!! I would love if you'd bring them to my Sunday Funday Party and share!

    *Susan @ Adventures in my Kitchen

  12. These look so yummy! No Bake cookies are some of my favorites... mostly because they are done so quickly :D
    I found you via Marvelous Monday Link Party! Happy Monday!

    Keia @

  13. Found you through Frugal Fooddie Mama Marvelous Monday. =)

    I would love for you to share and link up at my weekly TGIF Link Party if you haven't already this week. Your favorite posts, most popular, recent or new! The party is open every Thursday night and closes Wednesday's at midnight. Followed by (Not SO) Wordless Wednesday!

    I would be honored if you join us and follow to stay connected Have a wonderful week!

    Hugs, Cathy

  14. Love trying out new no-bake cookie recipes. I recently found my mothers recipe from 30 years ago! Thank you for linking to our first Blog Strut Peacock Style link party last Thursday! We hope you will stop by this Thursday after 5pm pst again to post your latest.

  15. Thanks--my kids do love a good no bake--these look perfect. I'll make them soon.

  16. These look delicious and very easy to make indeed. I suppose it it no problem substituting margarine with butter?
